Scarlett opened her eyes as nothing hit her, a thick tree trunk stood in front of her but as the trunk retreated back into the soil a large rectangle was in front of it. Prism lowered her hand causing the rectangle to disappear.
"I see," Lana said, with a smile on her face. "You all chose her too,"
"Lana-" Prism called out to her.
"Shut up!" Lana screamed as tears formed in her eyes. "After everything we've been through still chose her?! What's so great about her, huh?!"
"She's losing it," Silas said under his breath.
"I get it now, it cause she's the Princess isn't it?" Lana said as she held her head.
"Wait for my signal," Prism whispered to Silas as he nodded.
"I was betrayed by my family yet again," Lana said as tears started falling down her face. "Fine if a Princess is what you want then I'll become one... by any means possible," Lana said lifting her hand.
"Now!" Prism said as she threw a rock knocking the pencil out of her hand and Silas restrained her by growing branches to hold her hand. Silas then caused all the trees around them to retreat back into the soil.
"Let me go!" Lana screamed.
"What was that?" Dawn asked as she ran up to Prism. Prism remained silent as she watched Lana struggle in the branches with a remorseful face.
"Lana isn't taking it so well, she's had issues when it comes to stuff like this," Silas explained.
"Guess you were the final nail in the coffin," Scarlett said.
"We should get her home," Silas said as he put his hand on Prism's shoulder.
"Right," Prism held up her hand creating a cube around Lana as Silas let her go.
"Prism, let me out of here," Lana pleaded with her.
"I'm sorry Lana but we'll be home soon," Prism said as she and Silas walked with the cube following closely behind her.
"You coming?" Scarlett asked Dawn.
"I-I think I should go back to the estate, I kinda just left Kat and Lucas there," Dawn said.
"So?" Scarlett asked.
"I should let them know I'm alright, you know," Dawn said.
"They're not your parents, come on let's go back to the bunker," Scarlet said grabbing onto Dawn's wrist and running off.
"Scarlett!" Dawn yelled.
"I see," Director said after Prism and Silas explained everything to Director in the bunker. "So Dawn, what are your next steps?"
"Huh? What do you mean?" Dawn asked.
"Well from what Prism and Silas summed up, it seems as though you're nothing but a pawn," Director said bluntly.
"What?!" Dawn said confused.
"I have to say that Lucas is pretty smart, I was right not to trust him," Director said folding her legs on top of one another.
"I don't understand Director," Prism said.
"Really? I thought you of all people would," Director said as Prism shook her head. "Hm, let me lay it out like this. Lucas and Kat are both part of the Normal class, meaning neither are Tormentors,"
"We get that though," Scarlett said.
"Mhm, Alessia who had just ascended to Queen after the death of her father is distraught and practically runs from her duties at every corner until Kat can convince her to take it seriously," Director explains. "Alessia makes Kat her right-hand woman and not long after that meets Lucas; Lucas and Alessia fall in love or rather Alessia falls in love with Lucas and..." Director looks around the table to see a bunch of confused faces. Director sighs. "I'm not going to plainly tell you, where's the fun in that?"
"Can you just say it?" Scarlett asks.
"Prism, if Lucas and Alessia were to get married, what would become of his status?"
"He would be Tormentor King, making him a Tormentor," Prism answered.
"Correct," Director smiled. "Silas, why was Lana cast out of the running to me Princess?"
"Because Lucas told Alessia that she would kill every Tormentor in the nation," Silas answered.
"Correct," Director turned to Scarlett. "Scarlett, over the course of many years the Archer Family has been distrusted, why?"
"What?! They got such easy questions why do I have to get a history question?" Scarlett complained.
"Answer the question," Director said.
"Uh," Scarlett thought for a second. "Because they..." Scarlett looked at Prism. Prism tilted towards the door. "Because they left?"
"Sort of correct, they abandoned their duties and the final heir passed away," Director looked to Dawn. Dawn quickly sat up straight in her chair. "As a Princess, who do you rely on the most to help you do your duties?"
"Kat and Lucas," Dawn answered.
"As expected," Director turned back to Prism. "Now feel free to jump in when you feel the need to," Director said. "Alessia originally came to Prism for a request, which was what?"
"To become Princess," Dawn said. Director nodded.
"What did Prism say?" Director asked.
"No, I have interest in becoming Queen," Prism answered, Director nodded.
"After Prism refused, who did Alessia seek out to become Princess?"
"What do Prism and Lana have in common?"
"They're both Tormentors," Silas answered.
"So if Alessia sought out 2 Tormentors to become Princess, how did she end up with a non-Tormentor for Princess?" Director asked, the room fell silent as the 4 thought.
"She didn't choose Dawn," Prism said after figuring it out.
"What? Of course, she chose Dawn," Scarlett said.
"No, she didn't," Prism said. "Think about it, Alessia came to me first then she went to Lana but somewhere along the way Lucas found Dawn which is why he convinced Alessia to cast out Lana," Prism explained as she looked at Director.
"Correct," Director said with a smirk. "Dawn wasn't chosen by Alessia but was chosen by Lucas. Tormentors are usually the only ones who are able to ascend to royalty,"
"So is Dawn the exception?" Silas asked. Director shook her head.
"When the coronation comes, the crown will likely reject her," Director said. Dawn sat there with wide eyes.
"How do you know?" Dawn asked in a low tone.
"Just my hypothesis," Director said.
"So there's a chance that the crown would accept her?" Prism asked.
"We both know the answer to that Prism," Director smirks at Prism.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Silas asked.
"She's just teasing me," Prism said.
"Back to my original question though, what are your next steps, Dawn?"
"I-I don't know," Dawn said.